about this blog

Welcome to my blog 'On Autism'  

I created this blog in order to share and outline what I deem to be the truth about autism.  

There are many misinforming web pages out there and general mistruths floating around the web, in schools, the workplace,  and in general giving misleading views and approaches to autism. It is my plight and my passion to seek justice and equality as well as truth and  understanding towards our many many important individual members of society who have the condition of autism. Where physical disabilities of the condition may vary greatly in autism, this should not make any difference to the importance of their part and contribution to the world and there  voices should be heard.

Although a mother of a 15 year old son, Zigmund, who has a diagnosis of autism. I am not addressing things purely from the position of parent, for he is one of millions suffering from the same angle of falling victim to a world that does not 'quite' understand.  I bare witness to the daily struggles he and many others have to undergo, particularly in  education. I have come to realise that it is not my sons condition of autism that is ever a problem to me, life is not without challenges, but is it ever? No, for me the problem exists from constant demands to mould and 'normalise' him into an 'acceptable' stereo type.  At the same time I would never want  change a thing about my son since he is a joy to have around and fills our home life with his brilliant sense for humour and his autonomously fashioned individual approach which often touches on wisdom itself. I remain forever learning.